Tumbling Classes
CPA offers the following levels for tumbling classes:
Beginner, Level 1, Level 1.5, Level 2, Level 2.5, Level 3, Level 4, & Level 5
The prerequisites of each level can be viewed HERE. Please be sure to read them carefully before registering your athlete for a specific level. If you are unsure of which level to register for, please either ask your coach or contact us to set up a private assessment.
Athletes will learn the required skills within the level to allow them, in time, to progress to the next level.
You will be able to register for tumbling classes for the following month after the last class of the current month, which will allow all athletes to receive their Report Cards before registering for the next session.
January 2025 Classes Open - Monday December 23rd at 5:00pm
February 2025 Classes Open - Thursday January 30th at 9:00pm
March/April 2025 Classes Open - Saturday March 1st at 9:00pm
Report Cards for each level can be viewed HERE
If we believe they do not meet the requirements for the level they have been registered for, OR, their skills far exceed the level they have been registered for they will be automatically moved to the correct level. If that level is full, your athlete will forfeit their tumbling spot for that month and be automatically registered for the correct level the following month.
Please email info@cheerprideallstars.com if you have any questions about these classes.